HEY GAL PAL ft. Kelsey Cherry
Editor’s note: WELDER Chelsea Steele’s new venture, HEY GAL PAL, is up and running, and we love everything she’s about: collaboration, creativity, and camaraderie to name a few. Below is her interview with her fellow WELDER, the talented photographer Kelsey Cherry. Kelsey is a master at getting people to feel comfortable in front of the camera, and her work reflects her easy-going and cheery spirit. With that, we are excited to present to you Kelsey Cherry courtesy of HGP.
Kelsey Cherry is a name most people know around Nashville. She is a photographer to many and a friend to just about everyone else. One thing is for sure, Kelsey has never met a stranger. Her photography is a direct reflection of the bright, adventurous and quirky person she is. A month ago Kelsey and I got together to create some content for HEY GAL PAL. Afterwards, we sat down to chat about her favorite & future projects as well as what inspires someone with a mind as wild as Kelsey Cherry.
First of all — it is a dream to collab with you.
Oh, Chels. It’s an honor.
What are your favorite projects to work on?
Obviously, I love any project that fosters collaboration. I really like getting a good team together around an idea! It’s fun for me to bring something to the table and see what other people want to add to that idea. I like being inclusive. That’s my vibe.
Yeah! I also love the projects that are spur of the moment.
You joined WELD last year. Has that changed or influenced your photography at all?
Before June I had never worked in a studio, so it’s been fun to work at WELD and get some solid studio time in.
I love your studio work! Did you work anywhere before WELD that inspired your photography?
I used to work at ELLE with some seriously solid women and that season really helped me understand how I wanted to dive into the fashion industry.
How did you want to dive in?
For me (as a photographer) I wanted to encourage people and make them feel comfortable with themselves. I feel like there’s a disconnect sometimes between photographer and subject. And what I loved about my NOT A MODEL campaign was creating a space where I could really connect with who I was shooting. It became a place to own who you are. Like, you don’t need to be 5’9 or have tiny hips to look like a boss.
What work are you hoping to do into in the future?
I would love to work with more brands. I just did a shoot with John Hillinfor Banana Republic and it was an amazing experience! So, if something like that came my way again I would be very into that.
Is there a woman in the fashion industry right now who inspires you?
This is so basic of me, but Alexa Chung — she’s the sh*t. And Man Repeller. She (Leandra Medine) is always pushing boundaries with fashion — she is never bound to what’s, “in style.” And she’s funny! I think when you’re funny people are going to be attracted to you. I also feel really inspired by musicians.
Photo by Kelsey Cherry
Who are some of your musical inspirations?
My go-tos are Jenny Lewis, Feist, and Amy Winehouse. I think it’s so sexy to see a woman on stage and take ownership of a space like that. You know?
Completely! Are there local women who inspire you in that way?
Oh yeah! Mia Rose Lynne, Molly Pardon, Jennie-Hayes Bingaman, and — who else? Oh,BANTUG! She’s, like, my biggest muse right now.
Last question. How do you feel about being featured on HGP?
I mean I’ve been a huge fan of yours forever, so when you asked I was floored. I love that you created this platform to celebrate women and I just feel really thankful.
Kels, it’s an honor. You are great at what you do.
Thank you. I really am thankful that I get to call photography my job. It’s fun and it’s also something that has helped me make a little more sense of myself. I’m not sure how I got here, but I am loving every moment and I just keep thinking about how beautiful it is to be alive.
Find more of Kelsey Cherry’s work here: http://www.kelseycherry.com/
Learn more about HEY GAL PAL here: http://heygalpal.co/